Safety Products

Please be sure to read the product label of any insecticide you choose to use to get information on the personal protective safety gear you will need. In most situations, it is recommended that you wear long pants, a long sleeved shirt, closed toe shoes with socks, chemical resistant gloves, and goggles. In areas where ventilation is poor, a manufacturer may recommend you wear a mask or a respirator. We have put together two different safety kits that will make selecting the correct safety gear easier for you.

Pest Control Tips

How to Treat for Pests in the Summer

By DoMyOwn staff


Tip 1

Protect Your Pets Against Fleas

Fleas are bad news for your pets, but even worse when the fleas get inside. Since your pet will likely be spending much more time outdoors, there is a bigger chance that fleas may find their way inside. Protect your pets against fleas by using flea sprays that repel or kill fleas on your pet, and flea and tick treatments, which provide round-the-clock protection against fleas on your pet. Using flea products on your pet is a big step in preventing fleas from getting inside.

Products needed for Tip 1

Tip 2

Prevent White Grub Infestations Now

Japanese beetles, June beetles, European chafer beetles, Asiatic garden beetles, and other scarabs are active now. These beetles lay eggs, where the white grubs will hatch and begin to feed on your lawn. You can try to prevent white grub infestations by reducing adult egg-laying beetle populations, or apply products that will kill the larvae shortly after they hatch.
Step 3

Focus on Mosquito Control in Your Yard

Mosquito control should be a top priority, not only because they are annoying pests during outdoor fun, but also because they can spread dangerous diseases. Begin treating your yard and minimizing mosquito potential breeding grounds and mosquito shelter areas.

Products needed for Step 3

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Tip 4

Use Care With Pesticides to Protect Pollinators

All types of bees, and other pollinators like wasps and butterflies, will be very active now through the rest of the summer, and it's important to be conscious of them and their importance to our ecosystem. Luckily, you can use many types of pesticides for all your pest control needs while still minimizing risk of harming bees and wasps by altering how you use these products, like avoiding treating open blooms, using systemic insecticides on flowering plants, applying pesticides when bees are least active, etc.
Tip 5

Eliminate Shelter & Food Sources for Snakes

Snakes are more active at night, now, and new snakes are being born. To avoid large snake populations in your yard and to prevent snakes from gaining access, work to eliminate shelter (lawn debris, heavy shrubs or vegetation), and food (high rodent populations) and eliminate any access points to your home.


Tip 1

Keep Garbage Cans Clean and Sealed to Avoid Fly Problems

The heat, combined with summer picnics, can invite flies to the party. Rinse the inside and outside of garbage cans and ensure lids close tightly to prevent attracting flies.
Tip 2

Keep Fruit Flies From Getting Out of Control

Fruit flies can quickly get out of hand in the summer, since the fresh fruit can ripen and decompose more quickly in the warmer temperatures. Young fruit flies can fit through the small mesh of window screens, so it's difficult to keep them out if you want fresh air. Keep fruit in the fridge or covered, and if you see any fruit flies, set up a few fruit fly traps, and replace traps until you don't see them anymore.
Tip 3

Prevent Ants From Coming Inside

In July, ants are on the lookout for food and water, and this is often inside your home. To prevent ant infestations, remember to clean up food spills and crumbs, keep screens repaired, repair cracks and crevices, and keep plants and bushes from touching the exterior of your home.
Tip 4

Inspect all Lodgings Carefully to Prevent Bed bug Infestations

Summer often means getaways and vacations, and with this, comes bedbugs. Anywhere you stay, you should do a bed bug inspection before you unpack and settle in. Just taking a few minutes to check your room out can save you the headache and anxiety of a bed bug infestation.

Products needed for Tip 4

Tip 5

Continue Lawn & Landscape Maintenance for Pest Prevention

Summer is in full swing, and so are pests. Make sure you don't let weed piles or brush piles accumulate. Continue to cut grass regularly, and pick up any extra lawn furniture, toys, etc., to eliminate shelter for pests.


Tip 1

Inspect for White Grubs Now

White grubs often hatch between mid-July and mid-August. Now is the time to inspect for signs of white grubs. White grubs will feed on the roots of grass, causing damage to your lawn. Luckily, it is pretty easy to identify white grubs.

If white grubs have been found, treatment may be necessary. Treat now through September.

Tip 2

Be Aware of Yellow Jackets

Yellow jackets are a nuisance in late summer, because many of them are looking for a new home and foraging for food, and can be very annoying and aggressive when you're eating outdoors. You can bait for yellow jackets to lure them away from your family and friends and control them at the same time.
Tip 3

Inspect and Treat for Sod Webworms

If sod webworms are present in your yard, the bulk of the damage will be visible in July and August. The second generation of webworms will also be hatching soon. Inspect suspicious areas in your yard and treat if necessary.
Tip 4

Treat and Remove Wasp Nests Carefully

With the increase of activity of yellow jackets and other wasps, you may find a nest close to or on your property. While you can take care of a nest yourself, use a lot of care and caution when spraying or removing them. Treating nests or removing nests late in the evening is best, since the wasps will be less active and will be in the nests.
Tip 5

Choose Garden Pesticides Carefully

Late summer and early fall are popular times to harvest gardens. This month, take the time to read the label of any pesticide you plan to use on your garden. Make sure the pesticide is labeled for use on edible plants and determine what the time-range is between application and harvest. If the product is not labeled for edible plants or has a long time-range between application and harvest, now is the time to choose a new insecticide to control garden vegetable pests.

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